You can pay online or by credit card or Paypal account below. After paying, please fill out this form to give us some details about yourself, your band, business or family so we can properly credit your memberships.
New Members:
Annual membership rates
- Individual: $20
- Family: $30
- Student (under 21): $10
- Band: $50
- Business: $50
Annual Membership Renewals:
(Renewal rates are the same as initial membership rates)
You can also print/mail this MAMA Membership Form if you wish to mail a check. Mail your completed form along with your check to:
Montgomery Area Musicians Association
305 Halter Ridge
Montgomery, AL 36117
Attention: Membership
If you already have enough individual memberships to qualify for a band membership, or have a band membership and would like to let us know your band members, contact us at so we can update our membership roster.