MAMA has partnered many times with the Boys and Girls Club of the River Region, Chisholm Unit.  We have several instruments which have been donated housed there so the director can use them as part of her music education program.  A kind lady donated a guitar, but wanted to gift it to someone.  The director of the club had the children write a letter about the importance of music.  The following is a letter written by a 16  year old girl (one of a pair of twins) who were gifted the guitar:

Dear, To it may concern

I am writing this to tell you how much I want to win this guitar.  To learn how to play it and to work on my song writing skills.  It will help me to tell my story by learning guitar cords.  It will give me the ability to make my own music.  I always love the sound of the guitar and have always wanted to learn how to play since I was a child.  It’s been my dream to learn and play a guitar to make my own music.  With music I want create my own voice to chang the world.  I want to share my love for music and inspire kids to make their dreams come true.  To teach them that anything is possible if they make it possible.  To show them the way to make their dream come to life and to live the moment.  Thank you for support.

Sincerely, MW

We feel this child’s letter sums up the way we feel about music!  We don’t just help kids make great music, we use music to help make great kids!